Sunday, February 26, 2012

Not enough time?

"You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it."
-Charles Buxton

Lately, I find myself saying "If only I had more time.." as I find I have so many interests, activities and home checklist items to do. It is easy to get caught up in life with all the non-important urgent stuff that does not feed us. We can get to the end of our day and realize that none of the things that are truly important were completed. We almost become robots it seems feeling that our worth should become greater the more we do. How much can we fit in? Maybe a little more...This was happening to me a lot. I was completing plenty of things (as I believe I am an expert multitasker) but those important, non-urgent things like my yoga, my meditation and my reading and studying were not checked off the list.

One of my teachers gave me a challenge of doing a certain meditation for 6 weeks or more without missing a day. Not one day was to be missed. Could I really make time each day for 15 minutes of this? It would appear that would be easy perhaps but I find in my days sometimes 15 minutes is not so easy. I decided to take on the challenge though. It has caused me to re-evaluate how I spend my time. What if my checklist were reversed and I decided to always make time for those important things and whatever time I had left could be spent with the "others"? What would happen if the house was left a little messy or if I didn't finish that report 2 days early or if I didn't....would it kill me? I found out that 3 weeks into this challenge I am still alive and shockingly feeling more balanced. I have said "no" more to certain distractions and this has allowed me to carve time for the things that allow me to feel more like me and to help me find the clarity I need to navigate this crazy life I am living.

So, what is holding you back? Make a list of the top 3 things that you need to have time for and create it. Whether it is time to go to a yoga class or the gym or time to read with your kids or time to take a long bath...make the time and make a difference in the way you see your life.

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